Special feature on ChellyWood.com coming up in July! #Dolls #DollCollectors

The image shows a building shape, made out of safety pins. Inside the building are the Times New Roman font words: "Out of the Office" to indicate that sewing blogger, doll clothes designer, and You-Tuber Chelly Wood will be on vacation from December 24th until January 2nd.
We’re out of the office for now. If you wish to submit a question, check back later. Thanks!

During the month of July, I’ve got quite a full plate of things to do, so I’m going to take a brief hiatus from blogging. That means you’ll see some re-posts of things I’ve posted before, and even the videos on my YouTube channel may look somewhat familiar.

Now, as we saw last Thursday, I’ve got some great Barbie clothes patterns coming up, and I’m not sure when those will pop into the blog. If you’re worried you’ll miss the up-coming new patterns, you’re welcome to follow this blog by hitting the red, “Sign me up!” button. That way you’ll get a newsletter with a listing of recent blog posts.

On a laptop or desktop computer, the “Sign me up!” button appears on the right of your screen. From a cell phone and small tablets, you’ll want to scroll down to the very bottom of the page to see that “Sign me up!” button. It will be red, as I said before. (In the image below, ignore the blue arrow and take a look at the red button instead.)

In this graphic, we see a computer monitor for a desktop computer, displaying the ChellyWood.com website. A turquoise blue arrow points at the menu bar at the top of the page, where we see the buttons that read "home", blog, about the designer, helpful tips and Frequently Asked Questions, privacy policy, and finally, the word "shop" for the shopping guide page. On a desktop monitor, these menu items are clearly visible across the top of the page. There's also a "subscribe" button in the sidebar, so one can subscribe to the Chelly Wood dot com newsletter, which gives you announcements of the weekly blog topics and new patterns being posted.
Please visit ChellyWood.com for free printable PDF sewing patterns and tutorial videos for making doll clothes to fit dolls of many shapes and all different sizes.

With that said, boy oh boy do I have a fun concept coming up in July! I’ve done some extensive research on the history of ancient dolls.

We’re not talking about Patty Playpal and Chatty Cathy here; I’m talking about dolls that go back to the oldest civilizations on earth!

And, well, we may also take a look at Chatty Cathy and Patty Playpal along the way, if I get to that.

A fashion doll like Chatty Cathy or Miss Revlon stands at an open truck filled with a whole wardrobe of vintage doll clothes for her to wear. Standing at her feet are four other vintage-style fashion dolls, like Tammy or Babs or Tressy or vintage Barbie, for example.
Image: iClipart

I’ll be offering a contest during the month of July as well. Here’s how it works…

Watch for the blog post thumbnail that looks like this (it may have a turquoise blue background instead) during the month of July:

The text reads, "The History of Dolls" and the image shows a brown history book with cover art that shows paper dolls, a rag doll, a voodoo doll, a nutcracker, a Japanese peg doll, and a row of Russian stacking dolls. The ChellyWood.com logo appears in the lower right-hand corner. This thumbnail will be used during the month of July, 2024,to show that we're learning about the history of dolls this month. Be advised that the same thumbnail will be used throughout this series study of the history of dolls from around the world.
Please visit ChellyWood.com for free printable sewing patterns for making doll clothes to fit dolls of many shapes and all different sizes.

Please read through the articles on doll history, and leave a comment. I’ll be giving you prompts to help you think of something to say.

Everyone who leaves a comment on a “Doll History” topic blog post during the month of July will have their name placed in a drawing for one of three free copies of Doll Castle News magazine!

That’s right… I’ll be giving away three back-dated copies of Doll Castle News away at the start of August, and each time you comment on the “Doll History” blog posts, your name will go into a drawing for the magazines.

Image of two female friends looking at a computer screen together
Image: iClipart

So please don’t be discouraged by the re-posted topics, and don’t forget to comment on the articles I’ve written about the history of dolls!

In August, I’ll announce the winner or winners of the drawing. Winners will need to contact me with your mailing address, and I’ll be sending you your magazine or magazines free of charge.

How fun is that?!

Barbie stands beside an open suitcase packing her clothes for a trip with a laptop on the coffee table behind her. It looks like Barbie is about to go on vacation. The pink floor takes up a significant amount of room in the photo, and Barbie holds a hanger with a grey sweater on it. We only see Barbie from the waist down, but it's clear that she is packing her suitcase for a vacation.
Please visit ChellyWood.com for free printable sewing patterns for making doll clothes to fit dolls of many shapes and all different sizes.

You may be wondering why I’m taking a break from my blog posts. I have relatives coming to Idaho, and I’d like time to take a road trip to go visit them.

I’ve also taken on a charitable project, which I mentioned yesterday. This summer I’ll be sewing 20 drawstring bags for one of the teachers at a local school. This will take away some time from my usual blogging.

But also, I’m working on a sponsorship deal for my YouTube channel, and I really want to make videos that are worthy of that sponsorship. So yeah, I have a lot on my plate in July!

The image shows the OOAK Liv Doll "Chelly Wood" at her computer in her tiny dolly diorama office. Behind her is a painting of ballerinas by Degas. The overlay says, Fan Mail and offers the at symbol followed by the URL ChellyWood.com, a website where there are hundreds of free, printable sewing patterns for doll clothes to fit dolls of many shapes and sizes. This is the YouTube header for what one might call "Barbie fan mail opening" or stop motion fan mail reading. It's a stop motion video of the Chelly Wood doll discussing her fan mail, reading it out loud, and showing a video of Barbie dolls modeling the hand-made dresses that one of Chelly Wood's fans created using Chelly Wood's own free doll clothes patterns (printable on the ChellyWood.com website).
Please visit ChellyWood.com for FREE printable sewing patterns for dolls of many shapes and sizes.

However, if my followers taper off because my blog posts are being re-posted, it can jeopardize my sponsorship deal. So please, please, please keep coming back to see what I’m posting in July!

If nothing else, come and leave a comment on the “Doll History” posts! (Comments from followers help increase my website’s ranking in Google.) Thanks in advance, everyone!

The text reads, "The History of Dolls" and the image shows a brown history book with cover art that shows paper dolls, a rag doll, a voodoo doll, a nutcracker, a Japanese peg doll, and a row of Russian stacking dolls. The ChellyWood.com logo appears in the lower right-hand corner. This thumbnail will be used during the month of July, 2024,to show that we're learning about the history of dolls this month. Be advised that the same thumbnail will be used throughout this series study of the history of dolls from around the world.
Please visit ChellyWood.com for free printable sewing patterns for making doll clothes to fit dolls of many shapes and all different sizes.

This image of a turquoise blue sewing needle pulling purple thread away from a line of cross-stitching is used as a divider between sections of a blog post.

If you enjoyed this blog post, and you’d like to see my videos, you might want to navigate over to my YouTube channel, ChellyWood1 to look through my playlists.

If you would like to make a donation to this free doll clothes pattern website, please click here. There’s also a “Donate” button in the main menu.

For anyone who would like to expand their dolls’ wardrobes, you should really check out my “How to Alter Doll Clothes Patterns” course and my “Design Your Own Doll Pants Patterns from Scratch” classes on the Creative Spark online learning platform. Here’s my bio page on their website, where you can learn more.

This image shows four rows of artist's renderings of doll clothing items. The top row shows four different styles of pants. The second row shows four different styles of shirts. The third row shows four different styles of skirts. The fourth row shows four different styles of dresses, with skirts in long, short, and mid-length styles. The text reads at the top, "Classes in Doll Clothing Design" followed by this paragraph: "Have you ever wished you could create patterns of your own? Click on the links to Chelly's online courses below, to learn more about her paid courses in doll clothing pattern design techniques."

For any class on Creative Spark, you don’t have to follow a schedule. Just sign up when you’re ready.

It’s a one-time fee for the course, and there’s no specific time limit to finish your course. You can just take your time and learn at the pace that suits you. So go check out my paid courses on Creative Spark, using this link.

As always, feel free to pin, like, or tweet about my free patterns and tutorials.

To read more about my free sewing patterns and tutorials, please visit the “Helpful Tips” page.

Disclaimer/Credit/Affiliate Marketing Link:

*Please note: when you click on links to various merchants on this site and make a purchase, this can result in this site earning a commission. Affiliate programs and affiliations include Amazon, JoAnn Fabric, Etsy, and the eBay Partner Network. As an Amazon affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. To learn more about how my website uses affiliate marketing, please visit the website’s Privacy Policy page.

Chelly Wood and the ChellyWood.com website are not affiliated with any of the doll or toy companies mentioned in this blog post, but Chelly enjoys designing her doll clothes to fit a variety of dolls. To learn more about the doll companies mentioned in today’s post, please visit the doll or toy company’s website.

2 thoughts on “Special feature on ChellyWood.com coming up in July! #Dolls #DollCollectors

  1. Here’s hoping you accomplish your July goals. Enjoy your family. I did not know making comments helped you on Google. I will be making more comments since I am officially retired (7 yrs now).

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