The image is a header for a youtube tutorial showing how to make a pair of boxer shorts or summer shorts to fit GI Joe, broad Ken dolls, or other bigger-bodied action figures. The YouTube tutorial also says that free patterns are included with the youtube video diy tutorial showing how to make these boxers or shorts. The overlay on the image offers the URL of the website where more free patterns and tutorials can be found:

Follow steps to sew a pair of DIY shorts for Broad Ken dolls or #GIjoe

Here we have my DIY tutorial video, showing you each step toward the creation of a pair of boxers or summer-style shorts for your broad-bodied action figure (i.e. GI Joe and similar-sized action figures) or fashion dolls (i.e. Broad Ken and similar-sized male fashion dolls). As I noted in Monday’s post, Mattel’s Ken now comes in a broader version, so the patterns I made for … Continue reading Follow steps to sew a pair of DIY shorts for Broad Ken dolls or #GIjoe