This is a framed thumbnail with the following text written inside a bodice pattern outline: "Vintage Patterns with lessons for beginners" and a small yellow arrow points to text that states, "available after 30 October 2023".

Lessons from Vintage Doll Clothes Patterns (Gallery)

NOTE: These are not free doll clothes patterns! If you would like to download any of the hundreds of free, printable sewing patterns that I offer on this website, please view this video to learn how to find free patterns to fit the doll you’re sewing for. With that said, please click on the doll clothes patterns you would like to learn lessons from or … Continue reading Lessons from Vintage Doll Clothes Patterns (Gallery)

A purple and blue quilted frame encompasses the edges of a photo of Butterick's 6664 doll clothes sewing pattern which is standing upright next to a Black Barbie who models one of the dresses shown on the pattern's packaging. This dress is a long 1980's style of caftan. It should be noted that a photograph of celebrity Marie Osmond appears on the envelope of the Butterick 6664 doll clothes pattern. The Chelly Wood dot com logo is also shown at the side of the frame.

Learning to sew with Butterick 6664 Marie Osmond Personality Doll Wardrobe doll clothes patterns #MarieOsmond #DollClothesPatterns

As you can see, the Marie Osmond Personality Doll Wardrobe 6664 from Butterick offers some really neat pattern options, but what you don’t see on the outside of the envelope is that these patterns actually come in two different sizes. The back of the pattern envelope says that there are 30 pieces inside, but some fit an 11 to 12 and 1/2 inch fashion doll, … Continue reading Learning to sew with Butterick 6664 Marie Osmond Personality Doll Wardrobe doll clothes patterns #MarieOsmond #DollClothesPatterns