What does it mean to be free? Philosophy — a new outlook on my life! #Wellness #LifeBalance

The image has a purple frame, with the word "freedom" at the top, followed by a question mark. The photo inside the purple frame shows a woman in a wide open field. She holds a jar, and inside the jar is a large, beautiful butterfly. All around the jar, smaller butterflies are flying around.
Please visit ChellyWood.com for free printable PDF sewing patterns and tutorial videos for making doll clothes to fit dolls of many shapes and all different sizes.

When life throws a curve ball at you, a person can get kind of philosophical.

I’ve spent the past two weeks battling West Nile Virus. While I was in the throes of this sickness, I started looking over my life and asking myself, am I really living my life like I want to live it?

Sometimes I feel like the butterfly in the glass jar. She can see all of the other butterflies going about their business, flapping from flower to flower, drinking nectar and floating in the wind, but she has trapped herself behind the glass.

The photo shows butterflies flying in and out of an open glass jar. Grasslands are vaguely visible beyond the jar, in a sunset-ish landscape.
Please visit ChellyWood.com for free printable PDF sewing patterns and tutorial videos for making doll clothes to fit dolls of many shapes and all different sizes.

The glass jar has an opening, but she’s not venturing out of it. She’s anchoring herself behind the glass.

While I was sick with West Nile, I had to lay in a recliner, day and night, with my spine at a 30 degree angle. I set a few light goals for myself, which I easily accomplished:

A swirly cursive text says, "super basic goals" over the top of a scrap of paper, upon which is written these four goals: get healthy; sew a few things by hand; learn how to set up a shopping tool on my website; read a book or two. Photos representing each of these goals show a.) a street sign connecting the street called "healthy" to the street called "life," b.) a woman's hands stitching a button onto fabric, a laptop open to a shopping page, and a stack of books. These are Chelly Wood's simple, basic goals to achieve while she recovers from West Nile Virus.
Please visit ChellyWood.com for free printable PDF sewing patterns and tutorial videos for making doll clothes to fit dolls of many shapes and all different sizes.

But I also had a lot of time to think.

I asked myself, “Where do I need to create more balance in my life?”

Those of us who collect and sew for dolls probably have one thing in common: we’re not done being a kid. I often feel that I need to fulfill something inside me that longs for a safe, healthy, happy youth, the childhood I DID NOT have.

Although my ugly childhood will always be a part of who I am, I don’t want to dwell on the past. Instead, I want to find balance in the life I’m living now. You may have seen the YouTube music video that I made recently, and it hints at this fact (look at timestamp 16:55):


So I’ve decided to cut a section of my life that isn’t bringing me as much joy as it used to. I’m going to cut Facebook (AKA Meta) from my life, as much as I can, without alienating my family members.

Over the weekend, I made the announcement on Facebook, that I would no longer maintain my Facebook business page. I let people know that if they wanted to ask me questions or request patterns, I would be happy to answer them via this website or my YouTube channel.

Here’s my Facebook account’s new header:

Here we see the banner that Chelly Wood put on her Facebook page, to announce that she would be distancing herself from Facebook. The banner says "Chelly Wood" followed by bullet 1: my free PDF sewing patterns are found at ChellyWood dot com; bullet 2: the best way to contact me is through my website; bullet 3: you can find my YouTube channel at ChellyWood1
Please visit ChellyWood.com for free printable PDF sewing patterns and tutorial videos for making doll clothes to fit dolls of many shapes and all different sizes.

While I was sick in bed, I also created a new “to-do” list, which I’ve already begun using, as you can see in the image below.

It’s designed to help me focus on all aspects of my life: myself, my family, my community, money-making goals, spirituality (combined with mental and physical health), and long-term goals.

Because I’ve been so sick, I’ve literally been working on this list since the end of May, one step at a time:

This is an example of Chelly Wood's "Life Balance to Do List" filled out in Chelly's own handwriting with tasks like, "write in my journal" (in the "goals that show I love myself" quadrant) and "farmer's market" (in the "goals that show I love my community" quadrant).
Please visit ChellyWood.com for free printable PDF sewing patterns and tutorial videos for making doll clothes to fit dolls of many shapes and all different sizes.

Of course, if you’re interested, this “Life-Balance To-Do List” is available in my Etsy store, for a small fee.

And while I was sick, I have thought about these things too… What do I want to charge money for? And what do I want to keep available for free on this website?

In my list above, you’ll see in the Long-Term Goals quadrant, I’ve written in the second column (item #10), “Create a WooCommerce “Shop” page.

Here we see the Chelly Wood doll displaying three new computer buttons: a shopping button, a blog button, and a sewing basics button.
Please visit ChellyWood.com for free printable PDF sewing patterns and tutorial videos for making doll clothes to fit dolls of many shapes and all different sizes.

Over the summer, I’d like to switch my current “shop” page to one in which I have images to click on and purchase goods through my affiliate marketing program.

Will this give me more freedom? Maybe.

It will at least help me cover the costs of running this website, which has so many patterns stored on it, that I have to pay $20 per month or $480 bi-annually, to maintain the 200 GB of storage required to keep all of my PDF patterns available to the public for free.

This image shows a smattering of printed doll clothes patterns laying on a turquoise-colored fabric with a mottled print.
Visit ChellyWood.com for free doll clothes patterns.

But is this how I really want to spend my life? Do I want to continue spending all of my weekends making new patterns and updating blog posts?

Maybe not. I’m still in limbo.

I mean, I’ve already created a phenomenal library of free patterns! I’m really proud of that! Maybe I should move away from that for a while…

In this image, a photo of the Chelly Wood doll (which is actually a Spin Master Liv doll that has been "doctored up" to look like Chelly Wood, the doll clothing designer) stands to the right of a column of computer generated buttons from the Home Page of the ChellyWood.com website. These buttons have three new additions, which are highlighted with arrows pointing at them and the word "new" beside the arrows. The "new" computer buttons say "shop," "blog," and "sewing basics." When you click on these new buttons, they will take you to the website's shopping guide, blog entries, and tutorial videos for people who are just learning how to sew doll clothes.
Please visit ChellyWood.com for free printable PDF sewing patterns and tutorial videos for making doll clothes to fit dolls of many shapes and all different sizes.

I think what I really want to do now is write books and get them published.

Remember, before I got sick, I had aspirations to re-start my Tape Measure Tuesday blog posts? Here’s an example:

Here we see an infographic of a Project MC squared doll with all of her sewing measurements, for the ChellyWood dot com "Tape Measure Tuesday" feature. The doll's measurements are: Neck circumference… 4 cm ; Neck to shoulder seam… 2.2 cm ; Collar to true waist… 4.6 cm ; Underarm to true waist… 3.1 cm ; Sleeve inseam (underarm to cuff)… 7.6 cm ; Sleeve from shoulder seam to cuff… 8.6 cm ; Sleeve circumference (upper arm bicep)… 3.9 cm ; Waist… 7.3 cm ; Hip circumference… 12.4 cm ; Pants inseam (crotch to just below the ankle bone)… 13.5 cm ; Pants outseam (waist to just below the ankle bone)… 16.4 cm ; Pants leg circumference (upper thigh)… 6.6 cm ; Height not including hair… 27.3 cm or 10 and ¾ inches This is part of the "Tape Measure Tuesday" or #TapeMeasureTuesday blog posts on Chelly Wood dot com
Please visit ChellyWood.com for free printable PDF sewing patterns and tutorial videos for making doll clothes to fit dolls of many shapes and all different sizes.

That’s a beautiful infographic, isn’t it? But it took me about two hours, maybe three, to make that.

I could build some of these and upload them to my Etsy store for sale, but I don’t know that people would actually buy them. And again… is that what would make me happiest? Is that freedom? To create a bunch of infographics for dolls I’m not even currently sewing things for?

Maybe not.

I really, really want to write books and get a few books published. That has been a life-long goal of mine, literally since my childhood.

So I’m just not sure what the future of ChellyWood.com really is. Will I stop doing daily blog posts, and just do one a week? Will I do one blog post a month? Will I hand the blog over to my niece, Mel, who is young and passionate about dolls?

I just don’t know.

But I know this…

On a white table, we see all kinds of tools one would find in a sewing room: thread, scissors, a tape measure, and doll clothes patterns. Beside these and in the lower left corner is a blue alarm clock. The implication is that there's not enough time in the day for all the sewing projects!
Please visit ChellyWood.com for free printable sewing patterns for making doll clothes to fit dolls of many shapes and all different sizes.

How I spend what’s left of my time here on earth DOES matter to me, and creating daily blog posts for ChellyWood.com has become more challenging for me.

But God gives us challenges to teach us lessons, and my battle with West Nile virus has given me a time-out to help me re-focus my attention on what really matters to me.

Am I really allowing myself the freedom to create what I want to create? Or am I like the butterfly who thinks she’s trapped in an open Mason jar? Somewhere inside me, I know I’m really, truly free to create what I want to create… and that’s what I’m going to do.

The image is a photo of the Chelly Wood doll (a Spin Master Liv doll with grey dyed hair and a repainted face that kind of looks like the real Chelly Wood, a doll clothes designer) in her sewing room. Behind her on the wall is a finished doll dress made of white cotton fabric with tiny polka dots. On her sewing table, beside her miniature sewing machine, is a clear plastic tub filled with sewing bits and pieces.
Please visit ChellyWood.com for free printable PDF sewing patterns and tutorial videos for making doll clothes to fit dolls of many shapes and all different sizes.

With that said, there may be days when I don’t post anything on this blog.

And there may be days when I just do blog posts on random sewing topics.

And there may be re-blogged posts from long ago.

Before I end today’s post, I want to say thank you SO MUCH for all of your kind prayers. They helped me with not just my physical health, but my mental health and life balance as well.

I wish all of you every happiness, and I thank you from the bottom of my pincushion-y heart!

The image, which is purely decorative, shows a heart-shaped pincushion with needles and pins in it. Beside this are two spools of thread.
Purchased from iClipart — all rights reserved.

6 thoughts on “What does it mean to be free? Philosophy — a new outlook on my life! #Wellness #LifeBalance

  1. So glad you are feeling better. You will remain in my daily prayers. I love your Life-Balance list. I will be heading over to your Etsy store when I’m finished with my comment. Most of the bloggers I follow post once or twice a week, so I was surprised when I first started following you that you posted daily. Sometimes we need a push back onto that path that follows our heart. It seems like the West Nile virus gave you a pretty big shove. Follow your dream. (But keep us posted, if you decide to give up your blog, please. We care.)

  2. Wishing you well on your journey. I like your butterfly analogy as I feel like that sometimes myself. Although I did not have an ugly childhood, I carry wounds from it also. You have inspired me to do more self care. Take care of yourself.

  3. Wishing you all the best as you navigate how best to spend your time, and a huge thank you to you for helping me get started on a hobby that I never imagined I would be able to do. The free patterns enabled me to have a go especially with the one inch check box (we use different size paper in Australia so getting the pattern printed correctly helped heaps). Its been exciting to make dolls clothes that bring joy to my granddaughter.

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