#裁縫 Pattern for #Momoko Doll from #Petworks: Blue “Juliet” Dress

Today I’m sharing my pattern for the dress my Momoko doll (So Cute Marine) will be wearing in my upcoming dolly version of Romeo and Juliet. Tomorrow I’ll re-post the shift pattern (which you’ll need for the skirt portion of this dress), and on Thursday, I’ll post my how-to video, demonstrating how to sew it all together.

Let me say that this pattern is not for the beginner. It was quite a complicated dress to make, and since Momoko has a more slight build than Barbie, it was especially difficult to get the detail I wanted from this dress. However, for those experienced seamstresses, with this pattern, you could potentially produce the most beautiful dress for your Momoko doll EVER!

Just remember that you need to enlarge the pattern so it fits onto an 8.5 x 11 inch (216 x 279 mm) piece of printer paper before you print. And to show your appreciation for my free patterns, please consider tweeting, pinning, and/or FB liking this image to help promote my site. Thanks! 🙂

Momoko doll clothes  pattern
Juliet’s ball gown for Momoko dolls is my own design. It’s free to print, but please show your appreciation by spreading the word on social media. Thanks!

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